Crypto World February 2020: Yemen’s Civil war, New Jersey attempt to crypto, Oil more volatile than crypto

Crypto World February 2020: Yemen’s Civil war, New Jersey attempt to crypto, Oil more volatile than crypto

The entire world is pushed to the edge of their nerves as a global pandemic and civil wars are knocking on its door. What has happened in the Crypto world in February 2020?

New Jersey Lawmaker Wants to Create a Crypto License

A Lawmaker from New Jersey wants to create a crypto license for crypto exchanges. The Digital Asset and Blockchain Technology Act was introduced by Yvonne Lopez, whose proposal is to provide licences to any service of digital asset trading, storage, purchase, sales, exchange or issuing services. If the bill passes, the New Jersey Department of Banking and Insurance would be responsible with the licences and regulating businesses.

Oil Prices Are Now More Volatile Than Bitcoin

When traditional investors think about Bitcoin, they mostly think about its price volatility.

The volatility is determined by measuring the past prices and is typically measured for a 30-day period, calculating the standard deviation of daily price variations. But volatility only measures the price deviation and not its direction.

The price of oil has been more volatile than the price of Bitcoin.
The West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil price’s volatility stood at 105.3% on Feb. 10. The oil price’s volatility hit a 4-month high of 119.6% at the end of January.

Bitcoin’s historical volatility recently dropped to 42.3%, the lowest level since September.

MoneyGram Got Another $11M From Ripple to Use Its Cross-Border Payments Tech

Ripple has paid over $11 million in the past half year to MoneyGram, as a continuation of their partnership. MoneyGram is the first money transfer company which scales the blockchain capabilities usage.

“The Company is compensated by Ripple for developing and bringing liquidity to foreign exchange markets, facilitated by Ripple’s blockchain, and providing a reliable level of foreign exchange trading activity. The Company expects that this partnership, at scale, will reduce our working capital needs and generate additional earnings and cash flows,”

Ripple is closely tied to MoneyGram and own 10% of their stocks.

Revolut Bank Valued at $5.5B in $500M Funding Round

Revolut is a London-based bank and it has raised over $500 million in a Series D funding round.

Revolut offers the option to purchase cryptocurrency to its users and it is valued at over $5.5 billion. Revolut aims to challenge the traditional bank systems, by minimizing the prices on the provides services.

Revolut has raised a total of $836 million in its funding rounds.

New Zealand Plans to Drop ‘Unfavorable’ Sales Tax Treatment of Cryptocurrencies

The Tax authority of New Zealand is considering a change in the crypto space, that would eliminate the current goods and service tax.

The current regulation considers digital currencies as a form of property and it is liable for a 15% tax when the currency is traded. The double taxation issues arise when the income tax is applied.

The New Zealand Inland Revenue Department (IRD) suggests eliminating the property tax for cryptocurrencies and keeping the income tax for these assets.

In a policy issues paper made public on Monday, the IRD states:

“Because of their innovative nature, [cryptocurrencies] will often also have different features to … other investment products. This means that some existing tax rules can be difficult to apply, involve very high compliance costs or may provide policy outcomes for some crypto-assets that lead to over-taxation compared to other alternative investment products.”

Ukraine Justice System Employee Caught Mining Crypto at Work

An IT employee of the Judicial Administration in Ukraine has been charged with illegally mining cryptocurrency at his workplace. 

The employee was working in the data system division of the court administrative department and was taking advantage of the equipment and internet bandwidth from his office to mine cryptocurrency from January to May 2018. He has also used servers from his workplace to host external websites.

If he will be found guilty, he faces up to six years in prison and he will not be allowed to work in any governmental agencies.

Yemen’s Civil War Shows the Dangers of Crypto

Yemen is in a state of civil war and is has the biggest humanitarian crisis on its hands. With half of the country being controlled by the Iran-backed Houthi militant group, which have their own crypto, locals are wary of being associated with them and with cryptocurrency.

So far, it appears using bitcoin (BTC) in a war zone may be riskier than cash, especially when illicit actors use cryptocurrency as well as civilians. 

The ongoing civil war in Yemen highlights the contradictions underlying bitcoin adoption: It’s difficult for civilians to acquire cryptocurrency without heavily regulated infrastructure that makes them vulnerable to coercion and surveillance. Such is the case in Yemen, where the Iran-backed Houthi militia controls the northern half of the country and a failing government controls the central bank in the south.

For most people in Yemen, purchasing bitcoin is nearly impossible. Most international companies avoid doing business in Yemen due to concerns over U.S. sanctions, which aren’t comprehensive like the sanctions against Iran but nonetheless raise compliance questions.

Plus, peer-to-peer markets are hampered by both cash shortages and a lack of reliable communications infrastructure. Yemeni-American researcher Ibraham Qatabi at the Center for Constitutional Rights said telecom and electricity companies are owned by governments, both foreign and domestic, depending on the region. There’s no need for a warrant if Big Brother already owns the pipes. Plus, Qatabi said, most international money transfers are monitored by local authorities.

“Everything is monitored. They have everyone’s information,” Qatabi said. “If they want to go after somebody, they’ll have access to those files.”

Hamza Alshargabi, a doctor who worked in Yemen until 2012 and briefly mined ether (ETH) after he immigrated to the U.S., agreed it’s “almost impossible” to get a safe and reliable internet or phone connection in most of Yemen. He said in big cities connectivity is “so expensive that it’s unusable,” so he can’t imagine his sister using bitcoin in Yemen.

As such, some Yemeni civilians and expats are scared to be associated with cryptocurrency, including bitcoin. If protests last year in Iran and Lebanon offered a peek at bitcoin’s limitations, then Yemen is the full picture of bitcoin usage still relying on government infrastructure. 

Coronavirus Is Changing How Crypto Markets Are Trading

The increasing fear of new pandemic is showing the financial markets as stock prices go down. Indexes are going down form the beginning of 2020. Bitcoin’s price has taken a hit and it is trading below $8,000.

One strategy some traders are contemplating to prepare for COVID-19 is not holding volatile cryptocurrency assets unless absolutely needed. That’s what Althena’s OTC desk is doing. “We manage inventory very tight and run a matched book, so the coronavirus hasn’t been a factor,” said Althena’s Leon.

Why is Malta the paradise island of iGaming and blockchain?

Why is Malta the paradise island of iGaming and blockchain?

Malta is known to be one of the smallest countries in the world, and for the past years, it has been on everybody’s lips as the blockchain craze started. But Malta is also a hub for iGaming. Why is Malta the paradise island of iGaming and blockchain?

Why are all the iGaming and blockchain companies so drawn to Malta? Let’s talk about the exciting opportunities these companies have on the Mediterranean island.

Malta is THE iGaming and blockchain hub

Unlike any other hubs, Malta stands out by its diversity. Its geographical location ads as a bonus to the welcoming regulations and appealing culture. The overall practicality of business on the islands makes it the most desirable location for a business from the blockchain and iGaming sector.

Malta has approved 3 important laws (the Malta Digital Innovation Authority Act, the Innovative Technological Arrangement and Services Act, and the Virtual Financial Asset Act) that have set a regulatory framework for the blockchain business. These three laws allow businesses to operate into a regulated environment, having the necessary legal tools.

Malta is the leader in the industry of iGaming and blockchain and remains the top destination for any business wishing to develop to the next level.

The diversity of the iGaming and blockchain business and staff

These 2 industries have a large number of services behind them and Malta is the country enabling all of them to easily come together.

Malta is considered the melting pot of all services needed for the 2 industries. Law firms and SEO agencies specialised in iGambling and blockchain are waiting for new partners in Malta. The unmatched resources offered by the country of Malta is one important factor in why this tiny Mediterranean island took the lead of these successful industries.

The diversity promised by the thriving services needed for the industries of iGaming and blockchain also means a high dose of multiculturalism in the Maltese society.

Malta has become home to professionals from all over the globe. The constant recruitment of multicultural staff is the proven way to success for business looking to step into new markets, which aim to offer a more familiar interface to their international users.

Big name companies relocated to Malta

Malta is the headquarters for many online casinos and blockchain companies. Swedish and British online casinos considered Malta the best location for relocation of their main office.

HashCash Consultants, Binance, and BitBay are some of the big cryptocurrency exchanges have also taken the opportunity to operate in a blockchain and crypto-friendly environment, by moving their operations to Malta.

All these companies only make it a more appealing location for new companies who want to make it big in the European and International markets. The business calendar is a busy one in Malta, as the year is loaded with business community events, and this enables great networking opportunities for those attending them.

Malta is the set location of live casinos cryptocurrency organizations

While Malta first became famous for its location, idyllic landscape and warm climate, it is now more than a movie set. Did you know that Gladiators, World War Z, Captain Philips and The Count of Monte Cristo were filmed in Malta?

But that’s not all the filming being done on this island. The largest online casino has live sets in Malta, where real croupiers deal at a blackjack table or spin the roulette. Dealers from all over the world perform here, on a daily basis.

But Malta is also home to a nonprofit organization that aims to aid cryptocurrency adoption in Malta. Bitmalta is working closely with the Malta Chamber of Commerce in its pursuit to promote the use of cryptocurrency.

The blockchain and iGaming industry is growing every year

iGaming is contributing 12% to Malta’s GDP and the industry is still ascending. The online gambling market is estimated to reach $94.4 billion by 2024.

in 2019, the Transport Minister of Malta signed a partnership with Omnitude, a UK blockchain startup, aiming to improve the public transport service using the distributed ledger technology.

With its relaxed regulation framework and new technological elements, such as virtual reality, AI and blockchain inovation, it’s clear why Malta is flooded with new ideas, investment opportunities and non-stop recruitment.

Malta is where all the industry professionals meet

These powerful industries also organize giant events which involve a huge number of attendees from all over the world.

SiGMA, the most important iGaming event, brought together 12,500 attendees from 80 countries and had over 400 business participating in 2019, in Malta. Each year, the event gathers more attendees than the previous event, setting a new record.

Many crypto and blockchain events happen all over the world, but one of the largest one, is the AIBC Summit (Annual Malta AI & Blockchain Summit), and one of the two biannual conferences happens in Malta.

The Blockchain Summit in Malta is a top priority for all tech companies from all over the world and the 2020 events are expected to connect over 10000 delegates, 400 exibitors and over 1000 investors. The Blockchain Summit is the place to present the newest companies, gain brand awareness and engage in all the networking events happening at that time.

Malta is a paradise island

On top of all that businesses oportunities, Malta is a paradise island. Located in the middle of the Mediteranean Sea, it is blessed with amazing weather all year round, and the nature is beautiful. As for the cultural side, it offers just as much. Malta’s geopgraphical position has always made it a strategic point for the great empires of the world.

Malta has the best of the best: culture, history, landscapes, sea. It is a wonderful destination for business and for leisure.

Ethereum Foundation donated to UNICEF to Embrace Blockchain

Ethereum Foundation donated to UNICEF to Embrace Blockchain

The Ethereum Foundation made a donation to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) worth $150,000 in Bitcoin and Ethereum, into their experimental crypto fund in October 2019.

Aya Miyaguchi, the Ethereum Foundation Director stated:

“We are still discussing the details on what we can do together, but we have decided to continue support for the next couple of years,”
“I believe a partnership with a group like UNICEF can maximize our impact without shifting our focus from what we still need to do to improve Ethereum as a technology.”

The Kazakhstan branch of UNICEF developed an Ethereum-based internal payment system. The system is used for transferring funds between the UNICEF headquarters and local programs.

UNICEF’s partnership specialist, Oleksandra Gaskevych, stated:

“We can see now clearly it’s operational and it’s great for the organization. So we will continue to work on that,”
“We only have used ethereum so far, for smart contracts. We’re thinking maybe we could test bitcoin as well for digital currency transfers, so we’ll see.”

The system is not fully set yet, as the UNICEF budgets need multiple signatures. But the last touches are being made by the Kazakhstan team. Up to this day, the amount of paperwork required by its operations is overwhelming. A digital process will come much more in hand, and everything will be more transparent and easy to track and follow.

The Ethereum-based system is expected to be fully functional in 2021.

“We can easily adapt it to other Russian-speaking countries in the region,”

Tunisian pilots

UNICEF has also become a partner of SoftBank Investment Advisers (SBIA) and wants to create a system for distributing cryptocurrency.

The co-lead of UNICEF Ventures, Chris Fabian, stated that the crypto fund is starting to fund startups. One such crypto startup is Coinsence, a Tunisian token project which used ERC-20 tokens.

The pilot program for Coinsence has more than 200 participants, in the town of Hammamet, according to its founder, Karim Chabrak.

“There are communities that have no money and a lot of unemployed youth,”
“Communities need to be able to address that without waiting for governments to act.”

The residents of the city, who participated in the pilot program, used the token to pay for services or to offer discounts. The goal is to reduce the unemployment rate and to create productive spending habits. The founder of Coinsence, Karim Chabrak want to create a national association, with a legal framework, to help and support other communities to issue their local token.

Chabrak also stated:

“We heard about bitcoin in 2010,”
“But we are trying to build currencies that aren’t speculative, that are part of the commons.”

These experiments and programs were founded by the Ethereum Foundation. Coinsence received 50 ETH for their pilot program.

The Ehereum Foundation also founded Atix Labs, an Argentinian startup. The funds were used to develop software for the Kazakhstan program.

The Ethereum Foundation approach

With this agreement with UNICEF, the Ethereum Foundation and community is now investing in global outreach, and not necessarily in implementing blockchain solution.

“They’ve made the community available to us for a variety of things,” Fabian said.

UNICEF hopes to find external partners willing to accept cryptocurrency and their teams are now focused on training youth to develop solutions for custom needs of the communities they live in.

Blockchain Courses Will Be Top Trend in 2020 according to Deloitte

Blockchain Courses Will Be Top Trend in 2020 according to Deloitte

According to Deloitte, 2020 could be the “blockchain decade”. 2019 was a great year for Blockchain. Huge companies have embraced blockchain and the trend continues in 2020.

This is the moment that the blockchain enthusiasts have been waiting for. Blockchain is starting to create a real impact cross-industries.

Deloitte published its 2019 Global Blockchain Survey, in which it recognizes blockchain as a priority for companies.

The blockchain trend goes beyond the private sector. World’s governments have seen blockchain’s potential and are trying to accelerate the adoption of blockchain.

The good news is that even former critics of the technology are now shifting. The US Federal Reserve is now exploring a digital dollar on blockchain.

Consider all these, Deloitte might be right in considering 2020 the “blockchain decade”. Each technology had a rough time at its beginnings but also took all the interest for a decade. The internet had its decade in the early 2000s. Social media took the world by surprise in the 2010s and the blockchain and IoT can dominate the 2020s.

But all this demand for blockchain drives demand for blockchain developers, the supply is nowhere near to compensate. Some reports state that the demand for blockchain engineers got up by 51% in 2019, at a global scale.

But blockchain development is still a new feature. Universities are slow in implementing courses to prepare future blockchain engineers. And this raises the obvious question. With all this demand and the lack of traditional education in aid, where do we get the engineers to build the future of blockchain?

The Ivan on Tech Academy: the World’s Largest Blockchain Academy

Someone already thought of a solution.

The Ivan on Tech Academy is an online blockchain academy, probably the largest at the moment. The academy prepares students with all they need to know about crypto and blockchain.

Also, the academy helps its students to get a real job in blockchain development.

The courses provided by the blockchain academy do not have any prerequisites. That means they are open for anyone who is willing to learn about the blockchain technology.

After LinkedIn announced the raise of blockchain jobs, many have decided to look for blockchain courses, regardless of having any programming experience.

Who is behind Ivan on Tech Academy?

The name and idea came from the Ivan on Tech YouTube channel. The channel has over 200k subscribers and it focuses on blockchain and crypto education.

The state of Ethereum Blockchain-based video games

The state of Ethereum Blockchain-based video games

When most people come across the term Blockchain, the first thing that comes to mind is cryptocurrency payment. The Blockchain technology has so many other impressive applications that most people are not aware of. Some of these applications are smart contracts, securities, record keeping, and gaming.

In this article, we’ll talk about Blockchain-based gaming. Did you know that some of those online games you enjoy are based on Blockchain technology? It has even been argued that gaming will facilitate the mass adoption of the technology. Let’s start by agreeing that Blockchain is going to disrupt the gaming industry.  

Ethereum Blockchain-based games

Currently, most Blockchain games are built on the Ethereum Blockchain. They include the following

  1. Crypto-space commander – as the name would suggest, the game entails building battleships, battles and travelling the stars.
  2. Other bots – a game in which the players build robots from a collection of parts, then the battle against their opponents and can sell their robots in a market place.
  3. Zombie battleground – the name of this trading card battle game is self-explanatory
  4. Decentraland – in this game the players can purchase, explore and build structures on a decentralized public land.
  5. Sky waver – in this game, the players pick sides in a battle between chaos and order in a territory called sky.

The scaling problem

Scaling in Blockchain entails the achievement of high transactions per second. Scalability is a critical feature in gaming. Unfortunately, up until now, it remains to be the most crippling problem that is faced by most Blockchain games.

When the popularity of an online game increases, maintaining its operations becomes more taxing. This is because hundreds of thousands of operations go into maintaining a single game’s operations.

It is becoming increasingly hard for Ethereum to put up with that amount of load.

 Take for instance the online game CryptoKitties, during its launching, it occupied a large portion of the ETH Blockchain transactions. Transactions costs continued to increase with the popularity of the game. Finally, when the game was at its peak f popularity it rendered the entire ETH Blockchain useless.

The Blockchain gaming systems need to be able to keep scaling along with the evolution of the game that is built on them.  And that’s why games need to function on their own independent blockchain. Most consider these Etehereum games to be crypto games, not blockchain games.

Who rules the cryptocurrency world?

Who rules the cryptocurrency world?

Forbes recently published its Forbes Fintech 50 top, a top of the Most Innovative Fintech Companies In 2020 and six blockchain companies are in it.

The Forbes top 50 has 19 companies listed as first-timers on the annual Forbes Fintech top. Forbes is definitely more inclined to include startups with good ideas, no matter how small.

The fintech market is growing as the values of the companies are exploding. The proof is indisputable. The 2020 top includes 13 companies valued at more than $2 billion. Last year’s top included only eight companies which were worth that much.

What do all these companies included in the Fintech 2020 top have in common? They are all enabling faster and cheaper financial services, and they all operate in the US as private companies.

Who rules the cryptocurrency world?

According to Forbes, these six companies are leading the crypto space worldwide.


Coinbase aims to “bring about more economic freedom, innovation, efficiency, and equality of opportunity in the world”.

To this day, Coinbase is probably one of the easiest to use crypto exchange platform and digital currency wallet. Coinbase is the perfect exchange to start learning about digital currency like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin.

We included Coinbase in the top of crypto exchanges for beginners. If you don’t have a crypto wallet in Coinbase, join now to get $10 in Bitcoin when they buy or sell $100 or more on Coinbase!

Funding: $525mn from Andreessen Horowitz, Tiger Global Management, Union Square Ventures and others

Latest valuation: US$8.1bn

Founded: June 2012

HQ: San Francisco, California

CEO: Brian Armstrong, 37

Fact: Coinbase Custody now holds $8bn in assets for 200 institutional clients.


Ripple uses an open-source protocol to instantly transfer funds anywhere in the world.

Ripple aims to help improve the current complex global payment system, which is unreliable, pricey and sluggish, and to eventually replace it with its platform, which has its own cryptocurrency.

Funding: $293mn from Accenture, Andreessen Horowitz, Google Ventures and others

Latest valuation: US$10bn

Founded: 2012

HQ: San Francisco, California

CEO: Brad Garlinghouse, 49

Fact: Ripple works with initiatives and organisations to advance socially responsible uses of blockchain.


MakerDAO is an Ethereum based financial platform that enables its customers to loan cryptocurrency. The platform’s token, the Dai, it’s an ERC 20 token, pegged to the US dollar. They refer to Dai as being the world’s first decentralized stable digital cash.

Funding: $63mn from Andreessen Horowitz, Dragonfly Capital, Polychain Latest.

Latest valuation: US$500mn

Founded: 2014

HQ: New York  

CEO: Rune Christensen, 29

Fact: MakerDAO is a community project that has already attracted more than 400 outside developers; last year it generated $10mn in interest.


Axoni is a company offering distributed ledger blockchain solutions for post-trade data management for credit and equity swaps. Axoni has implemented its solutions in partnerships with global banks and financial providers.

Axoni’s portfolio includes distributed-ledger technology deployments, bespoke smart contract development, and analytics tools.

Funding: US$59mn

Latest valuation: $171mn

Founded: 2015

HQ: New York

CEO: Greg Schvey, 33

Fact: Axoni has deployed its distributed ledger into the world’s most complex asset classes with proven results.


Chainalysis is a blockchain analytic tool used by government agencies, exchanges and financial institutions in over 40 countries. Its aim is to “create transparency for a global economy built on blockchains” and to provide guidelines on how to use best this technology.

Funding: $45mn from Accel, Benchmark, and others.

Latest valuation: US$266mn

Founded: 2014

HQ: New York

CEO: Michael Gronager, 49

Fact: The company’s customers include bitpay, Barclays, Square and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.


Everledger is a company that used the blockchain, AI and IoT to track goods, from production material to their selling point. This feature aims to build up the confidence of consumers in the marketplace and focuses on sustainability.

Funding: $20mn from Tencent, Graphene, Rakuten and others.

Latest valuation: US$100mn

Founded: 2015

HQ: London, UK

CEO: Leanne Kemp, 47

Fact: Everledger pursues the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly around gender equality, economic growth and responsible consumption and production.

The convergence of the VR and Blockchain technologies

The convergence of the VR and Blockchain technologies

Convergence is becoming a very common term in the technology sphere. It means merging technologies into a new form that combines their media and applications. Embedding your devices with technology improves their functionality.

Even though the article only covers the two, VR and Blockchain are not the only technologies that have been combined to improve our lives the list is endless and the applications are numerous.

Understanding VR and Blockchain

VR stands for Virtual Reality, and it is a technology that simulates an experience that is similar or different from the real world. some of the common applications of VR include entertainment, communication, and education.  

While Blockchain is a digital ledger technology that enables the permanent storage of transactions online within a decentralized atmosphere. Blockchain also has several applications which include smart contracts, securities, record keeping, cryptocurrency, and gaming.

VR and Blockchain in online retailing

As we have it, VR and AR are already enabling in-store virtual tours, with a little innovation we will be able to conduct virtual shopping.

Just imagine, sitting on your sofa and wearing your VR goggles and then the next thing you know you are walking into a store and browsing through the virtual representations of the merchandise.

Imagine being able to even try out the outfits in the fashion section because you have already uploaded a full body scan of yourself, and the avatar is your virtual replica.

 Blockchain, on the other hand, enables cryptocurrency payments which are borderless thus making it very compatible with the global VR retail environment. Cryptocurrencies will enable small ventures to take products directly to their customers thus reducing the costs involved.

Developers are currently working on an application that merges these two technologies. their convergence will make it possible for small businesses to trade globally. Not to mention the participants will be able to enjoy some interesting benefits which include lower costs, disintermediating of banks. Traders will no longer need to use credit cards which charge transaction fees and create waiting periods for merchants to receive their money.

VR applications are unlimited and once converged with Blockchain they could spider out across the globe.

IBM’s vice president of blockchain technologies talks about money

IBM’s vice president of blockchain technologies talks about money

According to Jerry Cuomo, the VicePresident of IBM blockchain technologies, the enterprise feature is an enabler of spending big money.

“It is driving additional spend,”
“When you look at the direct attribution of the actual dollars spent on blockchain, we are seeing that for every dollar spent, $15 is spent on other cloud services.”

This is perhaps a hint on IBM’s current business strategy, as it tries to bring enterprise blockchain closer to the company’s cloud offering. IBM might try to pivot their business plans as distributed ledgers are losing some of the initial hype all around the world.

IBM’s VP believes that blockchain is only 20% of a blockchain application and the rest of the solutions lays in other technologies.

“Blockchain is a new class of enterprise application,”
“It plays into trends like app modernization and new cloud-native applications, data and analytics. It crosses all those things.”

IBM’s business strategy is shifting massively after last year’s acquisition of the open-source software, Red Hat. In their last quarter of 2019, IBM posted about their unexpected revenue growth: Red Hat had 24% revenue growth and the cloud and cognitive software revenue grew with 9%.

As Cuomo stated regarding the shift in priorities:

IBM has “put its chips down on the table in a very aggressive way around the hybrid space.”

What is a hybrid cloud?

According to McKinsey & Company, the hybrid cloud is a combo of on-premise, public and private cloud, which allows for different workloads to be handled across the different platforms. The hybrid cloud market is worth $1.2 trillion.

Can blockchain and the cloud work together?

The IBM VP talked about a symbiosis between blockchain and cloud, which will unite Hyperledger Fabric, a Linux incubator for blockchain enterprise projects, and Kubernetes, a hybrid cloud platform which automates clusters of services. The latter is a field of expertise for Red Hat.

“Hyperledger Fabric works well with Kubernetes,”
“Many of the things we’ve done around Chaincode, which is the way we plug smart contracts into Fabric, is to make sure it runs really well on that type of containerized environment with buttoned-down security. Red Hat gave us that motivation.”

Jerry Cuomo, the VicePresident of IBM blockchain technologies, described 2018 as “more of a Wild West,” he added:

“We had a lot of projects. Some would hit, others missed. The ideas weren’t always completely baked. Going into 2020, clients continue to get smarter.”

The fact remains, the enterprise blockchain world has seen some development lately. Might there yet be some bloodletting on the blockchain side at IBM? 

Cuomo says no: “We are very healthy here in blockchain land.”

Australia Published Blockchain Roadmap

Australia Published Blockchain Roadmap

Australia is serious about implementing blockchain into its daily operations. The Blockchain Roadmap has been published to guide Australia’s productivity in all industries.

Australia is keen to use blockchain in its future developments

Australia’s government announced the development of a National Blockchain Roadmap over one year ago, and spent over 100,000 AUD on it. Today, the roadmap is ready and will be utilized to help develop the usage of blockchain in all its industries.

According to Karen Andrews, the Miniter of Industry, Science and Technology, the government worked with various researchers to complete the blockchain roadmap.

The minister is a strong believer of the beneficial results of incorporating blockchain in bost public and private sectors, which will lead to a significant increase in jobs:

“Blockchain technology offers great potential to save money, initiate new business and export opportunities, boost economic growth, and create new jobs. Governments and private industries all stand to benefit from embracing this technology.

Employment opportunities in blockchain are growing substantially, with rapid growth in job advertisements since 2016.”

The blockchain roadmap includes all the essential sectors, not just the financial industry. The roadmap mentions education, transportation and the agricultural sectors.

The minister believes that Australia can become a leader in the new digital era after it will combine the blockchain’s roadmap with the already published one for Artificial Intelligence.

The potential risks of adopting the blockchain technology for mass usage

The government is also paying attention to the potential threats of implementing blockchain on a mass scale. For the blockchain roadmap to successfully work, it needs to be mentioned in a regulatory framework.

A major challenge of such massive use of blockchain is to maintain trust, the data integrity and security. Balancing privacy and transparency is a challenge.

The Australian government decided to spend 350,000 AUD more and work with Standards Australia, which will develop a regulatory framework which will guarantee the blockchain’s integrity, using the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Australia is recognizing the efforts other countries are making to develop the blockchain technology and is willing to cooperate with the UK, China and Singapore to remain a leading country in this blockchain era.

The Bitcoin network overpasses 500 million transactions

The Bitcoin network overpasses 500 million transactions

Bitcoin transactions are over 500 million as of the beginning of February 2020. The number of transactions doubled in 3 years, from 250 million in 2017 to 500 million in 2020.

The Bitcoin network went live on January 3, 2009. Eleven years later, in 2020, the network processes over 500 million transactions.

Since 2017,, named after the pseudonym of the presumable creator of Bitcoin, started tracking and recording the number of transactions on the Bitcoin network.

The data on Satoshi shows a constant increase in the Bitcoin transactions, year after year. In only 3 years, the volume of Bitcoin transactions has doubled and considering the same growth rate, Bitcoin transactions can exceed 1 billion transactions.

How did the community react to the 500 million milestone?

Now, on to the next 500 million.